
Visioneers does start interstingly and seems like it could be pretty good, but then it just turns into a bore.

"Sex and the Borough" would have been better.

yeah remind me to troll the shit out of mr prig from now on

It ain't gonna suck itself.

Most important detail
Which mail client does he use?

I believe they play a large chunk of Tommy on the Isle of Wight DVD. It's pretty good from what I remember, but it's been a long time since I watched it.

Yeah seriously on Exile — it's pretty overrated.

I wouldn't recommend Live at Leeds as the very first thing to check out. Sure, it would be in the first five list, but only AFTER unleashing all those classic "2 minute 50" pop songs on the newb.

Entwistle was credited often as the sound supervisor on several comps and such. But he's dead. I doubt Pete had much to do with the actual mastering of these re-releases.

Live albums do generally kinda suck, and they're usually touched up in the studio. Live at Leeds is one of the greats though.

Females referring to getting some, as "ass", is just so disturbing to me for some reason.

I believe he was playing up the nastiness.

Larry Clark can't seem to make a film with a narrative story. Bully is the exception.

Read this interview, it's a shit-ton better…

Little Children is an unfunny version of Todd Solondz. Also, stupid.

Switters, you should totally watch Happiness again. It's just keep getting funnier and funnier every time you see it.

Palindromes correction
I believe at least one version of the girl is played by a young MALE ACTOR.

Looking through some of the photographs from "Secret Selves," I was reminded a lot of
Royalty-free stock images for sale on the internet.

I listened to CDR podcast recently where Andy Daly was playing a German tourist for most of the show, and it was fucking hysterical.

"Where the fuck is he going?"