
Someone make a Dune joke about his eyes. I don't know any Dune jokes.

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Take photo, apply orange-bar reflected gradient in Photoshop, release photo.

Don't So No
This is the best and definitive Robert Plant solo album.

He didn't even crank the car!

Is this a fat joke, or a reference to her idiotic twitter posts about liking black guys?

The irony may be that Emma Stone doesn't actually commit adultery in the movie.

video games are amazing
video games are amazing……they entertain and enable u 2 get lost in a fantasy

Foxfire is totally worth a fast-forward.

Who was ever fooled?

You should've mentioned…
that the video clip posted doesn't really show much of anything, and the band doesn't storm off stage — just so people that hate this SHITTY band won't sit through it waiting for something cool to happen.

The BEST and DEFINITIVE version of Tobacco Road:

Gomez on Letterman last week was the first time I'd been made aware of her. Then she was also on Jimmy Fallon. She's hot! I started a fan website.

that goddamn baby
Great quote! I think everyone should use that when referring to a baby.

It's too bad Friday Night Is Killing Me will never get as much press as Chinese Democracy.

The "gurls" in that song are in reference to her tits, right?

Shakira makes awful music and has a stupid voice. But, her body is AMAZING.

If it was the classic 1st album cover graphic, then it could be forgiven.

Well holy shit, I didn't know about the TGIF connection.

I just heard September Gurls yesterday in an airport — in a TGI Fridays of all places. I hate TGI Fridays, but for just a few minutes the experience was made bearable.