
Epiphone LP Jr. It costs just over $100.

Since he drops them within such insane ranting/screaming, it's not too shocking to me. I'd say like 1.5.

Seriously, where did all the "Norton is a dick" sentiment come from?
First I'd heard of it. I know he's very serious and nerdy about his work, but I'd never heard accounts of him being a straight-up dickhead to work with.

House arrest?
Seriously, he was just on house arrest?

Is Avatar good or bad?
Someone tell me, because I'm never gonna see it.

Can we talk about how bad Vicky Christina Barcelona was now?

Fuck you Mindy Kaling
Because I started my "100 million strong for Make Dwight Shrute The Boss" Facebook group TWO YEARS AGO, and you STOLE my idea!!

i don't know who this is
I guess I don't care enough about video blogs. Yep, that's it.

Thanks internet for getting this show canceled!!

Season 1 was $13.99 last week at Amazon. Put that shit in yo' cart and watch it. It's still like $18-19 from deepdiscount (free shipping though).

You know, a lot if being made over this silly comment.
I mean, if your friend said something hyperbolic like "The internet is over." in reference to how he/she makes money, you'd probably laugh and "get" what they mean.

I didn't even have to read the article to know that Tobias would give some sort of conclusion akin to "yeah…but still, it's not THAT good really."

Too bad Fred Armisen isn't doing The Prince Show anymore, because The Prince Is Right might be pretty great.

Norah Jones makes mature music for mature people


I thought Cat Power seemed pretty natural in that flick, but the dialog all around was pretty terrible.

Seriously, Morgan Webb? How can anyone stand listening to her mannered fucking delivery of every single word out of her mouth? It's so annoying to hear her over-enunciate and use the same cadence for every single sentence.

Can we agree that Jezebel and their sister-blog network sucks?
I'm talking about Lifehacker, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Gizmodo, etc.

I seem to have the theatrical cut downloaded as well (dated April 2008) and I still haven't bothered to watch it, after seeing the DVD versions.

Actual Netflix user review for The Kids Are All Right:
The plot itself is not for me or my family. This this kind of movie with same-sex marriages are becoming more frequent. It makes no sense to me why Hollywood and the media would slowly sear the morals of the family unit knowing that this type of marriage is