
snooze! this isn't interesting, revolutionary, groundbreaking or interesting. oh, already said that. was just so god damn bored i lost track. this is a company with so many pursuits it lacks focus. whether it's nightclubs or t-shirts, social networking sites or being a mini studio, there's no clarity. just a lot of

Please! There isn't a SINGLE movie put out by Relativity that anyone has seen! It's a boys club of inexperienced industry hacks who think they are actually making a difference. And Netflix? Really? Who uses Netflix. Sorry, this ain't news. News from Relativity will be when one of their

The best one yet:


You can have my ***net, when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
First rule of fight club.

Roger Ebert concedes that, okay, maybe life kinda sucks
I mean damn son, look at his face. He seems too upbeat to have been through this shit he's been through.

Christians be boycottin stuff!

Wrong, it spells out "true love".

Haha, there's no fat people in India(!) because they're all so fucking poor.

True story, I know people that are dumbfounded over the notion of watching something with subtitles.

Why remake it?
Well duh, so the dialog is in English and it can be understood by Americans. Why is this so hard to understand?

E.G. Daily
Man, I've always wanted to fuck her. Vally Girl, Better Off Dead, Pee-wee's Big Adventure.

I don't know about the lyrics, because she wasn't using the original ones.

What's truly fucked up about that Spider-man song, is it isn't even hers. She forever ruined a perfectly good song by an awesome band called Weapon of Choice. I believe some of the members are on the stage though.

Fritzy-poo, did you make sure she didn't have a dick?

Well to be fair, I think the security tried to take the mic away and get him to shut up, but he wouldn't stop and back down peacefully.

And you do not wear the dome simply like a hat. It must sit slightly above your head, so a construction helmet harness is a must.

Yeah the whole selling out thing over DEV2.0 was kinda dumb.

I'd love if my kids had discovered DEV2.0. Then I could teach them about the real DEVO.