
Tool > Crue > Radiohead > Dave The Strogg

I saw the Rush documentary over the weekend and it was awesome.

I did the same thing. I was like "Is that fucking Patri—-" and then the guy actually said it.

I would like to have sex with Uma Thurman circa johnny Be Good — her in those longjohns in that one scene oh my.

more like straight-CUNT student

My parents like Two and Half Men
I once saw part of an episode where the two brothers get drunk one night and fuck the same woman, leading them to accidentally putting on each others underwear afterward. They sneak out on the woman the next morning. The wearing-your-brother's-underwear-thing, freaked out the retarded

He died at 66. The Kinks best year was 1966. Too bad he didn't die at 19.

segal has like 3 big projects coming up soon, one being a muppets movie reboot

why wouldn't they do that, it would be so FUCKING sentimental — it's like a god damn hallmark card of an ending

gay marriage is illegal so get over it anyaroses

lol all of you get the fuck out of here

This is a good current-gen Weezer song?

Take over the Glee comments sections.

American sports encourage hitting people except baseball, and basketball which has some of the weirdest foul rules (that stop the game/clock too often).

Fry is a spaz/dweeb.

Comic book plots
As someone that used to read the Futurama comics (because I like Futurama that much) these episodes' plots reminded me of the comics — which is to say, a bit hokey and not that great. I really hope they get better.

Oliver Stone
The Che Guevara of movie-making.

This is one of those comedies where you know everyone had a great time on set and they'll go around promoting it saying how much fun they all had on set, and I believe them. I do. Too bad it's probably a terrible comedy though.

She was on Letterman and Fallon this week and GO FUCKING DAMN IT I HATE THE FUCKING WORLD AND GOD IF HE EXISTS for making this thing that I can never have.