
The first time I saw Neko, I noticed her off to the side of the stage enjoying the opener. So I'd look over every once and while to see her smiling, etc. At one point she looked down at the floor and paused for a minute, bent down and picked up a guitar pick. She looked at it for a second and then put it in her

Well stop posting then.

what i got out of this
I was more interested in finding out what this 180 South doc is all about.

Natalie Portman
You shaved your head for V For Vendetta… did you also shave your V for vagina?

It's not even complaining at this point, it's just the ramblings of a crazy man. Seriously, the shit he says is usually baffling, and almost always completely pointless/useless.

That's how I'd describe this trailer. Also, Cameron Diaz just doesn't seem interesting as jerk-off bait anymore.

The dude has to fund his little art films somehow.

She was on Letterman last week
You decide:

Brown Hornet
Too bad Cosby will never allow it.

Just watched the trailer — YES!

Devo's secret ingredient is a drum machine.

Burn that book.

Have you even seen Pauly Shore is Dead? Watch that shit and then see how forgiving you all are.

Can't wait to hear Kokomo how it was meant to be heard.

I hate perverted dudes ew
Wow chicky. Just wow.

Too bad it's not set in New York
Oh wait, I mean "Jew York".

new logo image
Make this photo a black and white silhouette, and it could be the new logo image.

Well I guess it's too bad Cowell is gone
Who else will beat up and crush these teenagers' egos?

I don't know man, that Ben Affleck/Mango sketch stills cracks me up — especially when he starts imitating Matt Damon.

At least he didn't take it from over his head (trying to hide his fat).