
I love that press photo up top
It's like the best smug face ever saying "Yeah dude, I beat you to this pussy first. I was in that shit WAY before you."

The jokes was 3 things:

Speaking of props, did you know they used to piss in the Triumph puppet?

Is that how Craigslist hookers advertise? I wouldn't know.

Here's a spoiler: you will die alone.

This story takes place in Texas?
Oh fuck, please tell me everyone does terrible southern/Texan accents. Because I just LOVE that shit.


Well actually the battle was pretty short.

A summation of French cinema in general
"a movie that boils down to a series of tart conversations"

Anybody going to see this in the theatre?
Want to meet up and compare our notes* afterward?

It's just like that little black girl that threw the first chairs during the "Drake riots" of 2010.

Oh yeah Zach Woods is that guy on The Office, that I also saw at UCB in Gravid Water — a damn funny show.

Well I've managed to locate Larry Clark's masterpiece, "Kids II":

Holy shit seriously, at a Hanson conert?

This newswire is written with the assumption that I would know what the fuck any of these people/things are — and I don't — unless (seriously?) a riot broke out at a (Mmm-bop) Hanson concert??

This whole news cycle is idiotic.
Did Fox News or The View cook it up?

Andy Dick has done some dumb shit, but in that instance, he was framed.

Buck Owens!

"Yours, Mine and Ours", then "Nobody's Watching/Nobody's Listening"!