

Ray-cist Stevens

I saw this dude at Sasquatch a couple of years ago and he was awesome. Blew my fucking mind, and I don't even do drugs.

Well my thread starter was a bit jokey, and provocative on purpose because that will generate response. But I do simply mean to point out that Elvis Costello has been writing/recording country songs since the beginning of his "official" recording career. It seems people don't want to admit, or miss, this point often.

I'd call The Delivery Man more of a folk-blues, country-rock record. But that's obvious because Costello is clearly trying to work in those genres. Southern-gothic, I've heard it called as well, but that may describe the lyrical content better.

Costello & Country
His first album is a country album. Seriously, go listen to it again.

The woman in the argument, that reported it to the press, seemed pretty damn spiteful in doing that — but Ray Charles' quote about the matter is pretty great: "Drunken talk isn't meant to be printed in the paper."

Ozzy's quote
They should have transcribed all his stutters and vocal tics. It'd be funnier that way.

I hated Napolean Dynamite but liked Gentlemen Broncos a little bit. See it.

Watch it. You know it's basically going to be bad and filled with over-the-top quirk. But you'll be surprised by the few moments in the film where you can't stop laughing.

Perfect! The crystal glows blue until a certain age, then it turns red — but only for the people that finally "grow-up" and realize how the world really works.

Perfect timing!
For an Obamacare-death-panels metaphor, amitrite guys?

Cat Deeley got a crooked face
Still hot though.

mock mockumentary
It would be awesome if in the end, it was actually a mockumentary about the media coverage about his mockumentary.


Good to see CA is back to dirrrrty mode.

I was sitting in math class, and I got a txt from my mom.

It's better when you "know" them.


i ssw this on patton's facebook!