
Norwood from Fishbone is doing the same thing basically.

So at the end of the game, you can't go out and play in the world anymore?

I don't think Charlie played on Tumbling Dice.

kinda like nick Nolteā€¦"Ahhh goddamn it!"

Nope, they disappear. I hogtied a prostitute and took her out to meet the train. While waiting, I decided to go kill an animal a few paces away, came back and the girl was gone.

You'll believe anything I say 'cause I'm white.

Oh yeah I forgot about Mexico.

It's nice when you want accuracy in a game, but you're stuck swinging the controller around, hoping you did the motion correctly enough to jump/hit/whatever.

I haven't caught a Blazing Saddles reference yet, but there really should be some in this game.

Well I could see Marston killing prostitutes to rid the land of evil.

Holy shit there's a bunch of repeated nonsense when you play poker/games. But is it truly period accurate to have everyone complaining about the Jews so much? Damn dudes, it's a bit much.

I just got to the oil field yesterday, and thought "Plainview" was a nice one.

Any0one else jumped off cliffs with the horse yet?

The one thing I just can't understand about Red Dead Redemption, is the shitty reticule. It's a tiny white dot. What the fuck? I'd turn off auto-aim if I could ever see where the fuck I'm aiming when popping out of cover.

PS3, just for the exclusives alone. Free online. Then the Blu-ray and Netflix streaming.

Red Dead Anus

Is the ending just the assault on Fort Mercer, after getting the gattling gun? Because I'm almost there.

Here's a spoiler for you: You will die alone.

It was like every Soprano's dream-sequence episode all rolled into one. Bullshit.

two episodes in a row that put me to sleep
one more and i'm quitting this show.