
I like the book's ending
The story is told from the perspective of space-apes.

Go read Pitchfork.

In summation
her breasts hang and shit; it's like, "Aw, the bitch wasn't even that cute."

Shia LaBeouf

It was the last sketch of that show, and it was DYING, so it was interesting to see how long it went. Then it just got fucking incredibly weirder and weirder, and then in the end it was just awesome and completely so unlike any SNL sketch ever.

See this is why I just watch the World Cup. It's all so much easier to understand.

Charlie's mom.

WAS a pretty cool chick.

So, Mr Horton was based on Bridges' publicist…

I will always remember the side-hacking episode. And that one where they discover a lost island filled with giant prehistoric creatures.

I think people get pissed because they think everything he does is so calculated, or like, he's just trying to be so fucked up and different. But if he was completely insane as a person, those same people would probably love him.

I've always wanted to see this footage.

Google Alert: "Harmony Corine"
What is it about this dude that brings the unregistered masses, to this site, to post?

The detective is the killer.
There, I just saved you a game AND movie rental.

I saw G'nR live
It was that tour with Tommy Stinson on bass, and three guitar players — which says something about Slash I think. Axl was weirdly humble and quiet most of the night between songs. Some other dude did the talking (might have been Tommy but I can't remember exactly) and Axl shyly said thanks a few times.

His best stuff was when around the time he released "Oh look who just got a website!" You could listen to all these crazy tracks on that flash site. I want that stuff.


This(!) is why the terrorists hate us.

Gentlemen in Black
He should play it just like his character in Gentlemen Broncos.

I didn't like this movie.
Anyone want to buy my 2-disc DVD set, that I got off eBay, like 5 years ago?