
Revenge of the Nerds reboot, starring this guy
It would be awesome.

goddamn modern country is so terrible

And the goofy voice over at the end that comes from nowhere and means nothing really.

He could play the fucked up younger brother with a drug habit in a Cruise movie and probably go big time. Like, get on Oprah and shit after that. Women would LOVE this guy.

Seemed at that point he'd already done the shit-talking about the job anyway.

Like she was on Parks and Rec.


Okay I'm streaming this shit from Netflix tonight. Though it sounds like one of those movies that's funnier after the fact, when you're describing the "funny" bits to friends.

Man, imagine how soul crushing it must be to have to remove your name from Hellraiser 4. I mean, damn son.

Every pretty girl is extremely insecure about her looks. Play to that strength when trying to pick them up.

Damn, never made it to Clover because I didn't know about it. If only I'd walked that extra block down Bourbon. I think the farthest I got was the gay bar.

This show sucks.

dollar bill yo
It's like, the dollar sign for the "s" in her name really makes such a boring, everyday white girl name, much more memorable.

That montage was like exactly what someone would expect to see, when they tune in to check out this "meth show" everyone's been talking about.

They have Waffle House in the southwest?

Yeah he could hire Walt as a legitimate employee, like head of the chicken sauce formula, and pay the man his meth money.

I rated B as well. The strip cub thing was kinda off — though I appreciate the titties.

Well I'd count Armisen's bad advice substitute guy as one-note.

They had all the female cast members in workout gear, and a long shot of Jenny Slate's ass in biker shorts. DAMN SON.