
Did he get caught cheating on Witherspoon or something?

I like the gut-and-no-ass look on a girl.

The problem with most of the political impressions is they just do an impression (good or bad). And that's usually so unfunny I still can't understand why they open shows with them.

I like that Ke$ha's butt is on the front where her stomach is, and her stomach is in the back where her ass would be.

I think it was last week — when they probably had a guest spit in a cast member's mouth, or just show two dudes making out.

True men don't kill coyotes.

The terrible accent didn't help.

it's okay
coachella was gonna suck anyway.

Just saying
I liked the original a fair bit. I think I gave it 4 stars on Netflix.

Mike Mylar
Like the bag you put your comics in.

People that hang their glasses/sunglasses like that are usually just unhip, or old.

I search this page for "tits", "boobs", "juggs", "snaggle", "tooth", and "teeth".

I search this page for "tits", "boobs", "juggs", "snaggle", "tooth", and "teeth".

The biggest problem (besides the terrible acting) is there's just no momentum. So "crazy" scenes come along and feel out of nowhere, and unearned.

Well, they certainly got all the extremely boring parts of that game correct.

It's awesome how they had to waste like 10-15 minutes explaining why Nick Cage turned into such a druggie, therefore making him a… BAD LIEUTENANT!

I saw this last week. I gave up after about an hour and ten minutes. It's truly fucking awful.

She's gonna lose a limb.

I see what you guys like
But I'm giving up on this one. It just seems so ridiculous.

This Is Big Audio Dynamite
*beep, boop, beep*
*this is a white guy sucking at music*
*beep boop, beep boop*