
press 666 if u wanna cyber

Is this band a joke band? I thought I saw them once, and they were hilarious live — if it's the same band.

I watched this episode again last night
And it seemed better. It was pretty awesome how Walt was basically just sleepwalking, until the money/drugs are thrown back onto his plate/in his face. It's like the only thing making him feel alive.

And what was his retort about being in a shady business — something like he just enjoys it, or was it he's just good at it?

Tongue-ing the caramel ooze is the best.

This is great as well.

Do they call Lopez el Jefe? They could start a "who's the boss" campaign on Facebook.

This sucks
They make fabulous records, and are great live.

Skylar will commit murder in this season.

You know I guess the brownie husband was the parody commercial though, and I was loving that. The eventual kiss/eat-the-mouth was nice and the caramel leak with tongue action really made it awesome.

I don't think it was a B range episode — more like C to C+ range. I laughed hard at a few bits. This season has been terrible though, and sure this one was a little disappointing, but not as bad as most.

If that giant fake ass was real, she'd pretty much be the perfect woman.

Was the chorus to his first song really "baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby"?

New Orleans Musicians Clinic
Does anyone know much about New Orleans Musicians Clinic? It's mentioned in a user comment after the NOLA tribute article.

She's hot with the pig nose in that one movie.

An IP address would be numbers. These are words. Therefore she is trapped in a domain name.

I jerk off to Attack of the Show.

I don't think it's "hipsters" that hate the Doors. I mean, I've kinda hated them since I was a teen — back when all I listened to was classic rock.

I don't think it's about being timely.
This episode was more about feeling fed up with just how annoying Facebook has become, because people are stupid.

This would be an A+ if it had commentary for every episode.