
Yeah what is up with that guy? Is he seriously married to Mo'nique? Seems like that dude could be getting some serious pussy. Like, Living Colour Fly Girls pussy.

He was kinda bad in Saved, but god damn I love when Mandy Moore throws the bible at the other girl.

John Waters' movie are, generally, terrible.

His eye-roll seemed more like mugging idiotically for the camera (which was zooming in on him), like people do at party.

Him and his wife seemed like good sports, for something so fucking dumb and hacky.

She's basically retarded.

Sean Penn lives in a trailer out in the desert.

Is Avatar going to be good on my 42" plasma though? I need to know before I waste the spot in my Netflix queue.

John Hughes deserves recognition. But yeah, it might have been a bit overboard. Just showing him LAST in death montage might have been enough to make people go "oh shit man… Hughes really defined my childhood/generation."

I wish Meryl Streep was my mom.

Terrible, terrible people.

The only thing funny about Ben Stiller's bit is that they'd play people off (especially if it was two people winning), but they have time for this retarded shit.

Minus world? What the hell?

I always like Adventure Island. The skateboard was cool.

Or his wife, Skeletor.

The most awkward moment of the night.

I think comedians should do covers. Like just come out and say "This next bit is a classic off Richard Pryor's album 'That N*gger's Crazy'…"

Actually, Zach shaves his beard to play his "brother" quite a bit. Search YouTube.

a night of sketch reruns
I can't believe they just did the same bullshit. Those sketches were funny the first time (or second time) but what a giant waste of a host. I guess Zach didn't have as many ideas as I hoped.