
Is Citroen actually respected?
Or any French cars for that matter?

I liked Big Fish well enough when I saw it, but I wouldn't watch it again. And I liked Batman at the time, and even enjoyed Sleep Hollow. I'm thinking Burton's great (not just good) films are:

Saw the trailer & some clips.
This movie looks terrible.

Has Tim Burton made a great movie in the last 10 years?
I can't think of one.

It'd be cool if they just got rid of all these skits.
Then the Oscars broadcast would only take 1 hour.

Hurt Locker's gonna win, since it's like the Crash of war movies.

Yeah it kinda turns Simon into a slight badass as well, with the rescue — and later doesn't he start a fistfight or something? Not like Simon on the show.

Oh man, even better.

I tried to re-watch Cowboy Bebop a few months ago, and it was so bad I sold the series on eBay. I don't know why I ever cared about Anime. I think the awesome music in CB tricked me.

I sold my Firefly DVD's and Serenity (collector's edition) on eBay last year.

Joss is such a stupid fucking name
Seriously, someone named their child that? Oh yeah go ahead and give your son a name that for the rest of his life people will mishear, and think he's named Josh.

Well he messes with River's origin story a bit in Serenity, so it's not like an exact repeat of how she (and her brother) get mixed up with Mal's crew.

Yeah his dialog is kinda embarrassing the second time you hear it.

I think "Drunk History vol. 4 - Featuring Paul Schneider" perfectly illustrates my point about Paul Schneider — it could anyone else. He's not really offering up anything. All he's doing in that drunk history clip is being filmed giving dialog, that's looped by a guy that's pretending to be drunk. I like those Yacht

They should pull a Darren (Bewitched) switch-a-roo.
Just swap Rob Lowe for that dude dating Rashida's character, and don't even acknowledge that they got a new actor.

Toxic Shack by jalad.


"Tin roof…firsted!" would have been better.

It also sucks that OK GO is only known as the "wacky videos band" cause those … oh I give up.

Don't you have to pay a fee to be part of State Farm's secret society, or am I thinking of some other insurer with farm in the name?