
Link. Now.

It's in a desert!

This is a man's world.

I liked her better as the nerd in Princess Diaries.

Nerd 1: That's a dumb question because Han never used a lightsaber.

This interview was kinda boring.
No wait, it was damn boring.

I say just give up on the cut scenes and finish playing through MGS4, because when you actually are controlling Snake, it's pretty fucking brilliant — as far as the game's controls, and the situations you must get yourself out of.

If I wanted to watch, instead of play, a video game
I'd just load up Metal Gear Solid 4, amirite guys??

Between the demo and that video linked by CW, there's no way I'm playing this game.

Michelle Williams $ Ewan McGregor

What about that Rolling Stones concert movie?

Good idea, that would probably make more money than the original Titantic.

I really thought this was like a spooky ghost story where the evil doctors lock people up and experiment on them or kill them, like Saw. Damn you trailer!

So, DiCaprio is the patient, in his own fantasy world?

Oh god, Jennifer Connelly, what happened?

That's why I always say tapas with the short a vowel sound, so I don't get some idiot making a god damn topless joke. It's so tiring.

This isn't as bad as people that put their damn dog on Facebook and then post in character as their dog.
I'm just pissed some fool's dog has more "friends" than me.

And get some host from G4 to type those tweets.

Or they could scroll the names like credits during the speech.

Seriously, they 're cutting the songs this year? THANK CHRIST