
Live Tapas Dancers

But dudes, look at her glistening white teeth! HOT!

This is another one of those fantasies like Sex And The City, that fools women completely.

Well obviously, she is GREEK…

No wrong — "I've had my name peed in the snow…it all counts."

The twist!
The pal getting married is a guy, and it's a gay marriage!

I too stopped reading after "Whatever She Wants was Vivica's return to the stage."

I didn't even know they had a new album.

Why even review movies like this on the AV Club? I mean, there has to be like a dozen other new movies coming out soon, that could actually be worth reviewing.

MY good man…

John Mayer is stuck so far up his own ass.
It's unbelievable.

Fuck you Scott Tobias
This is the "Crash" of war films.

Heavy Rain
I just hope it doesn't play like Heavy Rain — that demo fucking sucks.

Small Wonder always reminds me of the band Servotron, because they had that one song sung by the female robot:

Not killing Sylar in the season 1 finale was the first major problem. That's when I realized Heroes was pointless. I stuck around until the strike though, enjoying how it got worse.

You sound a bit misogynistic. Just saying.

These movies are written by guys that want to train women not to fall for the badboy.

How do you feel about Breakfast At Tiffany's?

If you have to suggest watching a movie to your girlfriend, instead of just saying "we're watching a movie" while putting in the DVD, then you're already whipped dude. Game over, man. Game over.

Also, latin women dance like sluts.