
I like Grease because it turns girls into leather-pants-wearing sluts.

In the end, everyone's just playing pretend.

But see, all girls are whores. They're just afraid to admit it. Grease lets them do that, safely.


Declan, go sink in your blue chair!

Well Josh Homme is a big tall dude. He seemed pretty in-shape though before, like he works out. I wouldn't want to piss him off. Especially since ever video I've ever seen of him handling hecklers seems very homophobic on his end — and I'm a half-black/half-hispanic gay guy.

Holy shit that dude is the from the band Eleven? Now I know who he is.

Yeah it looked Josh Homme has been doing what most people do when they get successful — getting fucking fat. He'll probably work his ass off to lose weight after watching their performance though. Homme probably hired that bald ugly dude on second guitar just to make himself look better right now.

There was a point where I actually forgot Ashton Kutcher was hosting.
Not that this is a bad thing — just an observation. And then he popped up in a sketch, and I was like "Oh I forgot he was the host tonight."

Nope, the 360 is for first-person shooters.

Actually, the Bradley Cooper "FERNS" is the absolute worst one.

Hot Topic jokes; cutting wrists.

I probably won't see this.
But I did just watch District 13 on Netflix, a couple of week ago. It's pretty entertaining — just straight-up action from start to finish basically. It's a swift little movie.

Happiness is pretty much my favorite movie.

That dude and Mike Campbell pretty much ARE The Heartbreakers. Without them, it's just Tom Petty and some guys.

Claire Danes' naked (or near naked) ass has been prominent in two of her films, and I like her for that.

Being Jared Harris

U-Turn has a JLo ass shot, when she goes up a ladder, correct? Yeah that's all I remember.

I absolutely despise anything to do with vampires, and I liked Let The Right One In. I didn't think it was a masterpiece, but it's very well made, and worth seeing if you were interested but changed your mind.