
You know, we've been able to make phone calls on planes now, for what, decades? Having internet service on planes really doesn't seem that crazy of a thing.

That gang rape scene is a real downer.
Really kills the mood of the party. Or at least it did with a girl in the room that had been repeatedly raped and beaten by an ex-boyfriend. Damn it Man Bites Dog, I thought I gonna get laid that night.

it uses iphone/touch apps. so yes there is an etch-a-sketch app already out there.

if people that use apple products, had any sense of reasoning, they wouldn't use apple products.

do i have to use proprietary software to organize my toast?

i hope the ipad comes in a variety of translucent colors

you take that back!!

it's like people that talk about facebook or funny shit they saw on the internet, in real life

i don't get it

Punch anyone that puts that Apple sticker on their car. Hell, anyone that puts stickers on their cars.

CGI movie musical
Lucas already did this in Jabba's palace. It was inserted in the re-release of Return of the Jedi.

There's no way that thing is comfortable to use.

The Wire's ONLY flaw
It was shot 4:3 (fullscreen) instead of 16:9 (widescreen).

Los Bros Duplass
Yeah, I feel you. I think those guys are more quantity, over quality. Like a band that just keeps putting out a bunch of EP's with one or two good songs, instead of albums.

Serious Sam online deathmatch
Who remembers that shit? That was fun. Running around with just the knife and killing dudes.

It would be awesome if the AV Club would fix their shit blog software.

Holy shit I thought Will Ferrell's pregnant wife was Linda McCartney!!
But then I remembered she's dead!

Holy shit I thought Will Ferrell's pregnant wife was Linda McCartney!!
But then I remembered she's dead!

That's not true!!

I'm not going to see this film.
I could tell it was French just by the promo shot.