
I thought this was a dream
Oh shit, this movie is real?

Netflix saved my life.
This movie made me stop going to Blockbuster.

Best thing Jennifer Connelly ever did was Career Opportunities.

They should show this movie in middle school. Ages 11-13 is when you'll get more effective anti-drink/drugs/smoking messages.

I read the same thing, and Gimme Fiction does work very well in reverse.

Well thankfully the sets at Coachella are only about 35 minutes usually.

Spotting their next heroin score.

Pretty much everything at Papa John's is sent to the store locations from a central hub. The dough, the thin crusts (which are like giant flat pitas in a bag), mushrooms, etc. The onions are chopped on site though.

Britt Daniel
Is there a medical condition where someone can have a speech impediment only when they sing?

Well I'd say Spoon hit their sound about 5 albums ago, and I could see how it might start to feel boring.

I'm gonna go look through this telescope at the girl with big titties.

Yeah the purple leotard really "pops"!

Gotta jacked up Camaro, sitting in the parking lot of Anaheim stadium.

I didn't even now DLR was Jewish.

Crazy from the heat?
More like, completely fucking insane from all the blow.

Crazy from the heat?
More like, completely fucking insane from all the blow.

It's odd that he was the host and only allowed on stage every 5th or 6th award/celeb introduction. You could forget he was even there.

As Charles Barkley would say
This episode was "turrabull".

What decade are you living in Sean O'Neal?

I'm with Coco
It's too bad that Conan will probably never host another late night show.