
Okay yeah slowed down 6/8 is like that 50's ballad signature. I like that one for sure.

Is 6/8 just 3/4, but it doesn't sound as waltz-y — like a drunken pirate song or something?

Jack Irons

This post was made in 5/4 time.
Just like Soundgarden, I'm so offbeat!

But did you play as Donut Drake the second time around?

Its most exciting scene features characters reading the dictionary out loud.
Welcome to the AV Club.

Claude: Wow, I didn't know enjoying such an obviously ridiculous movie was the same as bragging about my big dick on the internet.

I saw the Funny Games remake, and laughed through most of it. It's just so ridiculous. My favorite part was when they **********SPOILER******************killedthekid. I think I laughed the most during that section.

Just watched this tonight
Fucking A+ movie.

Just watched this tonight
Fucking A+ movie.

Was this free show in Alaska?

I think most of Jay Leno's gigs are corporate events that pay the big bucks. Sure, he's still working as a stand-up, but he ain't in shitsville playing for 25 people that are drunk and heckling him. Also I'd bet any "clubs" he hits are local and semi-famous LA spots. Which means he probably bumps the regular scheduled

All I remember about G's act (from seeing it on TV back in the day) was that long bit he had about "style". The way he would draw out the word "style" still haunts me.

I skipped to the middle of that YouTube clip posted in the article, and the first thing I heard Ole Dirty G say was "French fags".

Construction job = not drunk?

Hey remember when they had a contest to name this game?
And they choose "Shooter".

ding dong the witch is dead

I saw him on Letterman the other week
This shit is embarrassingly dumb, and just all around bad.

Stacy512 is so meta

Oh man, I wish I could stop that song as Burnout loads. I have music turned off, so when the game finally gets going, it stops then, but it's too late I want to hear the rest now.