
Everclear were so terrible.

Creed's guitarist plays a single cutaway PRS, so that makes him the worst guitarist ever.

Also calling John Frusciante's first solo album excellent, is perfect, if you like laughing at (and I do) a heroin addict losing his god damned mind on tape. River Phoenix actually convinced him to release that thing.

Bobby Moynihan isn't really "cut" (as Amelie Gillette would say).

Hey well since you enjoyed this episode, go back to the Blake Lively/Rihanna one (if you still have it on DVR) and watch again. That was a pretty good episode.

Oh don't be mad Lindsay Buckinham

Tyson looked like he was having fun to me. A lot of fun.

Oh my god the slowed down dancing to match the beat was fucking great.

I saw him at ASSSCATTT! (or however that's spelled) last year and he was great.

too long, didn't read

Ding dong
The witch is dead

I still can't believe this is the same Muse I didn't care about like 15 years ago.

motherfucker is poppin

Hey why are you reviewing SNL again? I would skip through the review again to figure it out, but I just think it's easier to ask and get a reply.

I like when they start out seeming predictable, and then it just goes all sideways.

Hey Rooney, go back to California.

Black Snake Moan, what? Are you confusing her with Christina Ricci?

X-mas gift from SNL
Last night was mostly all crowd-pleasers for a nice little send-off before Christmas. We've seen almost every single sketch, but it was a good show I thought.

Now if only AV Club's commenting system didn't break Firefox's use of page-up/page-down buttons after posting.

It's nadda tumaa!