
Is Michelle Rodriguez that dyke from Resident Evil (or some other awful action/horror movie that I'm confusing with Resident Evil)?

Everything is a movie now…
except The Hater or Hatecast. I sense jealousy in your hate, Amelie Gillette.

I flip between wanting The Donnas' guitarist or drummer the most. And of course the singer's big ass tits. But honestly, I'd fuck all of them.

Who plays Tom Snyder in this flick?

Is Swimming Pool worth watching? Hot chick and all, but seems like it could be a massive bore.

It's more clever than funny
Oh, it's French. Now I see.

I believe Clowes has said that Zwigoff wanted a bunch of fart jokes in Ghost World, and they settled on only allowing that one.

I downloaded the extended Watchmen, since I figured I'd only be able to sit through it once. It was all just so "blah". I was glad to finish it. I haven't read the comic in 10 years or more and I don't really remember much about it.

Karen O is horrible. If she sings in any of the background music, I will hate Where The Wild Things Are.

Thank you keepcoolbutcare.

Partridge is great because it can go so broad, as Coogan was saying. Saxondale is great because it's so real.

God damn I love Steve Coogan so much
When I saw Tropic Thunder, I was all like "Oh shit, Steve Coogan is in this?" and my friends were like "Who?". I just had to tell them to sit back and wait, because this guy is probably the best comedic talent that'll show up in this movie. Then he dies in the first 10 minutes.

I love love love Steve Coogan. I saw Hamlet 2, and I can't remember a single thing about it. I was pretty drunk though.

Her jugs just keep getting bigger.

I didn't get the cigar joke. I kept thinking it was obviously some sort of trap and he just won't let it go.

I always lose track of the show's time and get surprised by the endings. This show is just so quickly paced, even on the more leisurely paced episodes.

He stole your wife's bra from the haaaampeeerrr….

If the internet has ruined anything, it's finding your first smut mag/torn pages in the woods.

You know it's not at all gay if you're blowing your buddy, and you yell "Slayer!" during it.
Not gay at all, just super metal.

They should get Eddie Murphy.