
Oink Oink, my good man…

This episode was like a B or so, but cmopared to the rest of this season it was a god damn A++.

Pretty unexpected, but great by the end.

ummm, doubt it

*arms crossed*

I was really hoping this was a transsexual porno

Has this been covered?
Does Amelie just do those voiceover intros for the bits and then they/she lower the pitch? Has to be her.

Actually Taylor save it for your diary and stop making anything.

The one about the black guys should have been spelled "Brotherz".

Hey are we casting Oceans 23 in this thread? Throw DiCaprio in the mix if so. Natalie Portman can be the Julia Roberts character as well.

Oh shit, Huffington Post also has a post about Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman making out in Darren Aronofsky's new film "The Black Swan".

get these terrorists out of my avclub!

They obviously took my advice to put Annie in skirts for every episode.

Where's Firefly? On eBay — I'm selling my copy.


Jack White steals the entire movie. "LOOK OUT MAN!"

DGC rarities is a CD I got somewhere, somehow, and I don't remember a single thing about it except the cover. I just had to go confirm it's still on my CD shelf. Maybe I'll listen to it tonight.

ODB was wrong, Weezer is for the children.

Well considering the age of most the AV Club writers, a whole bunch of them probably missed out on classic albums in the 70's.