
I'd like to think that most artists, especially the good/great ones, have to take a step back, often, to decipher/ponder why they did what they did.

These guys work too hard and make too many films to be baked all the time.

Still only 5. They left out the web address in the first one. Failed copy/paste.

sexual plain

son of Shawn Records

Kenner is pretty great. I even liked the most girlie movie ever made, with her and Anne Heche (Walking and Talking).

I heard the monsters' voices the other day in a trailer, and they just seem goofy. Like just some guy reading his lines without anything cool effects added. Just seems weird to have these monsters with nerdy white people voices.

SybilDisobedience, Captain Lou is your real father.

von dutch & $100 trucker hats
yep it was this douche that gave us that shit.

She makes me hate Betty every episode! Oh the hate I feel.

It tastes like virgins.

$25 million, in 1963 dollars??!

Yeah get your multiplayer out of my Uncharted! Single player only, 4 lyfe.

You know what's awesome about downloadable games?
Not being able to resell them.

This movie is laughably bad.
Bad dialog, laughable setups, predictable deaths, a lot of why-the-fuck characters that show up for like 5 minutes. Terrible.

Zack Braff in my home
"In my home" is Amelie's euphemism for "in my crotch/ass".

I know man — silly white girl being named like a black girl. Which has Russian origins!

As close as they are to being in key every time, I wonder if they used small earpieces, or had a monitor playing the song very very quietly (with a boom over them). I could see getting off time like that.

Oink oink, my good man!
Best line delivery in the entire series.

Are they supposed to be so off-beat with their singing?
Or did they just use a bunch of bad portable cd (and/or tape decks) that wouldn't sync up when they laid the final track over all the video footage?