
It's like a black guy doing black face
So racist!

Close! But it's actually the worst song ever recorded.

This might be the gayest game ever created. At a party last weekend, a gay friend of mine was saying how excited he was for this game.

Jheri curl
Seriously Rabin, you didn't know he had a Jheri curl in the early days? Damn, son. It matched his black leather jacket.

It's important to note that TV on the Radio has black guys in the band.

The "emo" haircut is just a reverse mullet.

plastic surgery
When Mariah got her tits did, do you think she got ass implants as well?

ain't nuthing to fuck wit

I thought the episode was really fun, for a change of pace.

Nah man, just cue the footage of the planes hitting the buildings and you win any argument, ala Bowling For Columbine.

Things were just so different after 9/11.

Hang on guys, let me login to my Dave78 account to respond.

It will be interesting to see, but you know Fox News and Palin fans will be using this for months.

I don't really care about any of the morality in this — just find it odd how the audience took it. It was a little surprising to me in that moment where they start applauding right after he says he admitted to the allegation. I expected more silence. I guess it's nervous applause maybe.

The creepiest thing
Finding the package in his car is crazy on so many levels. Imagine that shit one morning when you go out to leave. Dave, lock your damn cars.

Hey remember that stalker that broke into his house?

The problem is all the Palin fans that will use this as their silver bullet.

They actually applauded him sleeping with these women. Oh let's just forget about his (now) wife and child for a second. HEY DAVE FUCKED SOME BITCHES HAHA!

Having mo' money and free speech, means you're more likely to get sued.

Democratic principles and has an ethical core to it?