
And he dated/married Demi Moore after Bruce Willis, correct?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't the only naked boobs seen in Starship Troopers the small boobs on that tomboy in the shower scene?

Aston Kutcher
I think you're forgetting a little thing called That 70's Show.

Nick and Nora is a terrible movie.

channels his adolescent neuroses into wry letters to fantasy pen pal David Bowie
That sentence is where I stopped reading.

Mandatory abortion. Make it a law.

old people fucking
And it's a German film.

This is the kind of comedy where anything that might be remotely funny in the movie, was put in the trailer. So you've basically seen the movie if you watched that trailer.

Hey one more reason for Gibson to fucking raise their prices.

97 Standard — wine red

He's method.

Except the black frats. Date rappers.

If The Ten was The State, then Joe's dancing bit would be ruined because they would've had to change the music.

Viva Variety had great musical guests.

The Ten has a few kinda labored bits, but that's ok since they're just short bits and a new one is coming every 10-20 minutes. Winona Ryder's part with the dummy is just un-fucking-believably great.

The actually patched/changed the mage so instead of +10 or whatever, it's +2 I think. Still doesn't stop anyone (or me) from running into a choke point and trying to freeze everyone. I can't decide if it's really helpful though.

I got the "The cake is not a lie" trophy. Woot!

Princess is a derogatory word for women.

Finally saw all of this
Not that great. Maybe a C or C-. Starts good and seems like it will be interesting, then it just gets boring and goes nowhere. Lacks a strong sense of direction or point.

bitching about Fat Princess appreciation station
I'll start the list.