
The worse part, and I felt this way before I bought this game, is that one team is red. Surely with so much blood everywhere, there's going to be a huge mess of red all over the screen. Confusion is inevitable. I can't believe they didn't use blue vs. yellow or something.

For a game called Fat Princess, it's surprising how much you can just ignore the whole making her fat thing, and just build your classes and catapult.

Ha, silly feminists — like we're all denying them their privilege to be fat, or royalty!

Hey Amelie, I'm not on Facebook. Let's exchange email addresses!

blog movies
I wish they would stop this.

HUGE guns.

The trailer for this makes it seem like an extremely boring movie. There is just no hook.

Somehow I think Milla comes out on top in all of this.

If you want to punch that face, you want to punch E.T.

"This isn't a movie. It's a YouTube page." would have probably been more accurate.

If you don't think hilariously awkward is completely fucking great, then I don't have anything for you.

Maybe being real?

I say stop posting.

She was on Conan this week and it was completely fucking awesome. Find that shit and watch it.

WAAAHHNNN her tits are too small WAAAAHHNN

Idiocracy: good premise, poor execution. Visioneers isn't like Idiocracy though.

Zach acts very well in this, from what I've seen. I streamed it from Netflix last night, but I only watched about 20 minutes since it was really late and I was dosing off. That first little bit was very good though.

Too bad most films look like utter shit if you stream from Netflix. I have a super fast connection too.

Watch the trailer for Funny Ha Ha.

But it's like every page was shotgunned with mbs-avatar-brand buckshot.