
My wife and I got in a huge argument while watching this on Hulu last night. I said that if I had been Phil and found those two other women and was that desperate to get out of my circumstances. I would have gone back and simply killed Carol, Todd and Melissa and started over with these two new individuals. No loose

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus since you obviously don't read at an advance level and don't possess the ability to follow a coherent point, I will try again at a third grade reading level. Lets assume 10 pages equals 1 episode. In the past three seasons the writers have had 220-250 pages to tell their

First, I don't write for the show. Second, google the first sentence, but change Dan Harmon to Larry Bird and you will understand what I am doing. Thirdly, individuals, as yourself and the majority of people here, refuse to accept change and instead prefer to live in the "good old days" of Community. Hence my post. I

Dan Harmon is not walking through that door, fans. Season 1 & 2 are not walking through that door, and the 24 episodes a season are not walking through that door. And if you expect them to walk through that door, they're going to be gray and old. What we are is young, exciting, hard-working, and we're going to