Pope Spanky IV

Every major artist from the 60s and 70s has a bad 80s album. Things sounded so bad that by the end of the 80s even a Jeff Lynne production sounded half decent.

Plus, this article didn't mention the fact that Bruce embraced synths long befire that with The Wild, The Innocent and The E Street Shuffle, which has more adventurous synths via David Sancious.

Phony Bowlonie would be a great username

Their self titled song is probably their most occultist. I always thought the satanic imagery was more symbolic of a "life is shitty" reaction to the peace and love hippy-dippiness than "I want to kill everyone. Satan is good, Satan is our pal". Agree the instrumental bits rule.

Gets you out in the sun

The quotability of Holy Grail makes it seem more popular, but Life of Brain is considered their best movie, even by most of the pythons themselves. However, their best work remains the tv show.

seriously though, RIP, 53 is way too young.

I hope someone woke him up before he went-went

After figuring out I only read a total of 5 new books last year (and I had lots of free time to read more), I made a New Years resolution to read a book a week for 2016. About the end of March, I realized I was not going to make it after only reading 6 books, so I revised my goal to a book every two weeks, so, 26 new

The bars around there are scarier than anything in Mos Eisley. Talk about a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Classic Rock is awesome. Classic Rock radio is the worst thing on earth.

right up there with Dalai Lama

mercy mercy me, i hope this makes a good story.

"You should see what a crucifix does to a woman's pu….", oh wait, wrong movie…..


Those sideburns have to be the most 70s bit of all the Star Wars movies

air raid, you space bitches!

Does it come with a vomiting and scene-chewing Rod Steiger?

I'm going to get all corny here and say as far as 2016 being all evil and such, at least I have the AV Club to commiserate with.

plus an ALF pog