Pope Spanky IV

i'm with patton oswalt. parents need to be totally uncool.

high prices aside, the ones in boston were awesome. I love the amazon convenience and selection, but there is always something about browsing a store that size and finding something unexpected.

Weird Al in UHF.

i think american graffiti in some way began the great commercialization of nostalgia that hits every 10 or so years. we got the 60s in the 80s, and the 70s in the 90s.

i believe harrison ford's car plate in this reads THX 138

not worth seeing

was going to check out the lists, but forget it, i'm just going put on some sleater-kenney and them some john denver and ignore all lists of music

i guess you could say this is a goth broth

come for the hoverboards. stay for the hydrated pizza and dirty drinking water.

i watch hard day's night for the dialogue, and i watch help! for the musical numbers

as the one before rubber soul, i look at help! as the final refinement of their original sound. an excellent record and varied as well.

that's my problem with it too. where is the story? And who reads in college if they don't have to? I applaud these kids even if they are fucked up

and Vegas has the better freak show

i was a stand-in for, you guessed it, Frank Stallone

he is definitely a lad insane

Neil's Village. Will there be a pono theater?

you could get a good movie going if you threw this in a mix with "billie jean" and "billy don't be a hero"

they should have ducked

that's too soon. could you leave in a minute and a huff?

I see a lot of confederate flags in New England. It's also been a KKK stronghold since forever. particularly in Connecticut.