Pope Spanky IV

actually thought it was Vince Gilligan when i saw him on Parks and Recreation

i have about 75 percent hearing loss and i can tell the difference between 320 kbps and lossless. if you are listening on headphones, however, i don't think there is great difference, no matter how nice you think your headphones are.
I think the vinyl revival is really funny. all these people paying "hipster" prices

i thought i was the only one who remembered that one

didn't they make a whole movie Casino Royale in groovy 60s style?

the baby looked at you?

I don't know why, but this story makes me think of that line from Stand By Me "the pile of shit has a thousand eyes"

prefer the first album. starrider all the way.

"Area Man is greatly annoyed. Writes most trusted fake comment"

LOL. I also didn't get the joke for the longest time. I just thought it was a completely random line, so in my little kid nuttiness, i thought it was hilarious. Still have the vinyl.

i kind of agree, but i think that a lot of bands do break up, but now it's inevitable that they will get back together again at some point

i do prefer face dances to who are you

Bye, Bye, Bye, Mr. Deltoid!

the garmonbozia goes with everything!

dibs on Bogdan's eyebrows!

"Krampus, Santa’s demonic, child-punishing sidekick"

As Ben Kenobi once said "Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time"

he's outside in the bushes

Joanie loves Seiji

Arcade Fire, the flamethrower!

well, I just got into The Wire last fall on Amazon. I guess since I'm not a real fan I won't be buying that complete series blu ray like i had planned. I guess he wouldn't want anyone else to buy it either