Pope Spanky IV

this needs Scott Thompson as the queen. then i'll watch it.

Rosebud actually had a flux capacitor

Michael Curtiz, one of the great journeymen directors. Yankee Doodle Dandy, Casablanca, Adventures of Robin Hood, plus King Creole, probably the best Elvis movie

there has already been at least two attempts at that. one starring bea arthur and another with john laroquette

nothing was hammier than his line in the pilot, "I…loved….her….and….she…..lovvveedd…..me!

on one hand Harvard is good, but on the other Emerson has a football to the groin 101

honorable mention to Twin Peaks' deputy Andy, "I'm a whole damn town!"


nice burrito reference!

no but i saw V. good 80's mini-series

back when golden crisp cereal was super sugar crisp. In the 70's the man told it like it was!

"Cadena has been replaced by bassist Jerry Only’s son"
So Jerry's not the Only one anymore?

God: my favorite fictional character!

no Leland Palmer? or Ben Horne?

Little Nicky almost made me want to try popeyes. still haven't even though one just opened a mile from me.

also Wendy/Walter Carlos would have made a good addition

after living through the 80s, i have always held the 90s to be better, but after seeing this line up (and 1995 week last week), i realize it was just as bad.

anyone who attends this needs to get their ass to the liberry and learn about Grand Funk Railroad

i use my artisan eskimo-made cell phone, with gluten free silicon chips and gmo free software. ok yeah, i still use it to order domino's and wal mart.

i'm paying 7.99 for streaming right now. I'd gladly pay $25 if they would beef up their collection. I'm talking about older movies. I can wait another year or two watch Guardians of the Galaxy or whatever was popular 3 or 4 years ago. But what about older Scorsese, Allen, Coppola, or Brando or Bogart? maybe a deal