Pope Spanky IV

aren't these people at every festival?

predicted by Bloom County as "Kill Mo' Mockingbird" with Bruce Willis as Atticus Finch

How Great Thou Art was his second best album of the 60's (in my mind even better than elvis is back)

exactly my list for basic Elvis (although I'd substitute Golden Records vol 1 for the 1st two albums)

If you get this make sure it's the 2 disc legacy edition so you get the majority of songs from these sessions.
Also to truly get Elvis you need also to get (in no particular order) The Sun Sessions, Golden Records vol 1, How Great Thou Art, Elvis In Person at The International Hotel, and Elvis country

i liked the Elves in lord of the rings

I'd drive away from this thread, but my car has injun trouble

i want an oompa loompa and i want it now

"I knew it, I'm surrounded by Assholes" - Dark Helmet, Comcast CEO

i find a simple "shite" is effective

sadly there is no more Altavista. Now what am i supposed to use to find google?

How do you pronounce Al in spanish?

no pigpen , no dice. oh, and also no owsley, no dice.

how none black can they get? none more none black

i remember picking up Amorica and thinking "Jesus, this sounds really good", but immediately after failed to remember anything from it.

I think I eventually did after a short period of time, but it never enters my mind unless someone makes the reference

every time they mention The Flash show on this site, i think of that line

I always liked the line from that "It'll be like a road trip! with your dad! to school!"

"Sleep!. That's where I'm a Viking!"

"Hello Smithers. You're quite good at turning me on"