The Mutt

And tells her the last face she sees won't be Tony's. Brrrr.

I used to watch a Mexican soap opera to learn Spanish. And because the women were insanely hot.

Everybody likes to hang GofatherIII around poor Sophia's neck, but the problem was the script. It's just awful.

Remember, it's not the size of the boat…
It's how big your dick is.

Gina Torres.

Ebert's takedown of Patch Adams is epic. One of my favorites.

One of the absolute worst things about even the best superhero movies is how they show the "regular" people reacting to the superheroics.

For me, it was a letdown when the title card told me it was a Joker episode, or Penguin or Mister Freeze.

Innocent victims.
I find it odd how she stressed the term "innocent victims" in each of her first two sentences.

Yes and yes.

A continuation of Upstairs Downstairs?
Say it ain't so!

The Walking Dead pilot was the best movie I saw last year.

The Daily Show & The Colbert Report
These two shows never get mentioned on lists like these, but I can't think of many other shows in TV history that deliver the goods with such consistency.

My favorite dead baby is Casper the Friendly Ghost.

They both wish they were in Ivy's league?

I know! It's like science fiction!

I've only seen a handful of episodes of Two and A Half Men, but they were all porno movies without the porn. I can't think of another network sitcom that was so raunchy and salacious. It's just one crude, obvious and unfunny sex joke after another. On a show with a kid on it!

Bebe and Mary Sue
First Contact is the episode that every young Trekkie wrote in their head as they stared up at their bedroom ceiling. "What if they beamed into my room right now?" Maybe that's why it is one of my favorite episodes.

Yeah, these two episode will seem like Shakespeare after the one-two punch coming next week.

Fuck ewe?