
I only ever saw Saw II and IIII so I suppose I should stick with my pattern and see this one.

I think the Porno actors were from the actual 30 rock porn…

They should retitle the show Jon & Kate Seper-8

For the record I have no problem with either the last two seasons of Seinfeld, the Finale nor Jerry - I was merely quoting my Hipster Handbook.

It's okay to like the Seinfeld show as long as you are adamant that the reason it's great is all thanks to Larry David. Additionally you are required to refer to the last to seasons as inferior and the make sure to let everyone know you HATED the finale.

Life is Precious and God, and the Bible.

You mean that painfully unfunny trailer delivers exactly what it promises?

Oh my god it's happening..90's retro is in full swing…
Shoot me now.

Last week some friends and I went to see Coraline in 3D. Before we went into the theatre we smoked what the kids call a "Jazz Cigarette" it was rather large so I put the remainder in my pocket for after the film. Inside I was buying a iced tea and realizing just how messed up I was, I began to smell smoke and feel

George Carlin
No Remembrance for him? This is BS!

Did you see Jack he fully skateboarded on his Stomach!!! Outrageuos!

My Dvds have been sorted In every Manner from Alphabetical, To Chronological, I've Organized them so that all that touch have a actor or director or writer in common ALA 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. I Once even organized them in order of how much I liked them…that took forever.

First thing to come to mind is…
Where's David Wallace?