Rawhide Is Krabs

Speaking of directors on the European/Asian divide… Where does the AV Club stand on Ozpetek? I've never enjoyed him, but I have an Italian professor who keeps pushing him.
Kinda seems like a more immature version of Almodavar without any visual sense.

Somebody actually wrote Iron Man?

Yeah, this sounds really good. Luckily, though, I've finally kicked myself from the habit of buying new Criterions. I just wait for the two-three times a year they go 50% off at Barnes and Noble or I get a 40-50% coupon for Borders. Hooray for savings!

Yeah, it's definitely "jib."

Aghhhh… Venture Bros.

But with Julie Benz, how could it be bad?

I will not believe Whatev Bev's dog is the coolest until she (?) provides evidence that her (?) dog is in fact, Poochie. And then we can go to the fireworks factory.

Oh, man, I think Bob K has this one

They're saving that 'A' for the inevitable Step Up 4 (for): The Streets: Again

Cat juggling

Actually regional stereotypes can be pretty common in Italian film. Less "spicy-a meat-a-ball," more bumpkin-y mobbed up Southern Italians. Lattuada's Mafioso is a pretty good (and pretty uncomfortable) example.

I read a couple of other reviews of this. The New York Times tears it apart.
Apparently the whole thing plays with insulting stereotypes and is really broad and melodramatic and relies solely on D'Agostino's performance. Makes it sound like more or less what I'd expect the Hollywood version to be. Or, in other

Are you implying that there are good robots? Do you believe all the tech-head propaganda you read? Fool.
Robots walk among us. The end is nigh.

Yeah, I got really excited… thought it was some kind of weird late-'70s spin-off

Typically the ones that don't are primarily written by ghostwriters too.

Yeah… seems those people have never seen The Searchers…

Oooooh AV Club comment board challenge… more or less powerful than triple-dog dare?

Best Coast
One Note, kind of gimmicky… but, hey, it's nice harmless pop with a raw sound.

Especially if the scripts remain exactly the same as well. No accommodations for slang, dialect, or even geographical references. It would just be this weird portrayal of four delusional poor women, spending money they don't have on things they don't need.

@Victor Mature Is A Dipshit…