
angry dinnter banter
"Yeah, yeah, I know, this would be good but it would be the same. But if we go someplace else it would be different, but it might not be as good. It's a gamble. I get it!" Classic moment that deserves a verbatim.

Ya hurd

Also check out the youtube clips of him on early David Letterman shows. Fantastic stuff.

well put
"It was a gloriously abstract mess, a seemingly randomly assembled collage of ideas that was wild and liberating while also being claustrophobic and intimidating."

to me it looks ripped of from John Prine's "Sweet Revenge" LP cover

unfortunate picture
I really want to like this guy. He's a decently talented writer who I tend to agree with philosophically. But the smugness of his writing is a tad, um, off putting to say the least.

3.99 download
Probably didn't hurt their sales that the album was available at $3.99 on Amazon for most of the first week

because she asked me to
Jerry exclaiming in frustration, "What is this an Abbott and Costello routine!?!" over George's confession about his attraction to Elaine always kills me

Animal House
I just hope they find time to fit in some of the stories about the making of Animal House…

Patton Oswalt actually tweeted the "You come at the king" line along with a link to the event…oh may the circle be unbroken…

I mean really
did anyone really have dio being the first black sabbath singer to pass away?? Ozzy will out live us all!

definitely better live than in the studio
Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen - "Live from Deep in the Heart of Texas". Convoluted title? Yes. But it's a fantastic live album. A great, fun piece of country/rock and roll

This Fucking Job
Big Shock, another great DBT album. Not being from the south, I'm always curious if the types of characters they portray in their songs actually appreciate this band? It would be a shame if they were only heard by middle-class hipsters living in affluent cities

is this the first Christmas related post of the year?

I always though they were a more direct version of the White Stripes. Don't get me wrong, I love the White Stripes, but I think that the Black Keys are the less subtle (In a good way) version.

also would have liked to see some mention of Wolf Parade (I prefer mt. zoomer also, though that doesn't tend to be the consensus)

apparently the Black Keys aren't nearly as important of a band as they are in my own mind…sigh