
It's a really funny show, but the humor is mostly extremely awkward humor.  I recommended the show to a friend after I had finished the first season.  We started watching it and after the first episode he basically said, it's funny, but it's almost too uncomfortable at time for me to watch.

My Bed Banter and Beyond is probably my favorite Scrubs episode.  Actually, it might be one of my favorite episodes of TV.  It crammed all the issues of a relationship in 1 episode without seeming rushed or forced.

Thought this was overall a great episode.  We got to see some of Shawn's insecurities, some "off" Shawn (meaning he wasn't putting on a show when out with Juliet), and campy take on super heroes.

To me this seemed like a building episode and the beginning of a new story arc. The first arc ended last week with Rachel rejoining Glee and everyone being in a semi-decent place. This episode did it's best to introduce some new sources of drama.