Briar Moss

It's one of the Commandments or something like that…

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus What about cases like "Game of Thrones" where the showrunners are dealing with books *stuffed* full of characters, plotlines, needed (and unneeded) exposition, etc.? Is there a best way to handle that sort of thing?

Do you feel like this sort of storytelling has been lost? I admittedly don't watch much TV at all anymore, so I can't really say if shows today tell more than they show.

I'm live-watching and these two weeks are going to be torture. I'd forgotten what it's like to have to wait *a whole week* in-between episodes. Now TWO?!

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus At least in large-scale social situations. Although always-drunk Cersei would be interesting at court.

I do not see what people in-universe see in Loras. The man's face is huge and he constantly looks perturbed and/or constipated. He must be really good with a sword (in both senses of the word) in order to make people overlook his…chunkiness.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus I'm a newbie but read the experts reviews (sans spoilery things) and found that whole discussion both interesting and confusing. Why, at this point in the series, did Todd feel it necessary to point out the boobs vs. penis/man-chest ratio is so out of whack? There

@avclub-e03518408ba3251eab84fa54bb4c3dc5:disqus Aside from the fact that yes, it still looks like they shoved the actress in an ice-cream cone, I kind of like Cersei's ice-cream cone dress. Probably because of the colors. Dark maroon and such > that blue and brown monstrosity they threw Margaery in last season.

It would've given Bronn more to do. I either looked away for the two seconds he was on-screen or just didn't notice him in the crowd, because while I saw Jerome Flynn listed in the credits, I swear I didn't see Bronn at *all* during the episode!

@avclub-9b01c25473020f57ea13af6b5f4f11a2:disqus "Watching opportunities slip away from them" seems to be the theme for a lot of characters this season. You've got…

@avclub-638c1a4f003b46aad4aa5cf3f424d215:disqus I think the lack of stain may have redeemed Tyrion slightly in Shae's eyes, but I still think she's *incredibly* pissed about the whole situation.

@avclub-5464de04a20d6f48ab22695edf00475e:disqus @avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus Sam is growing on me. Aside from the fact that we know he's highborn, he feels like the "everyman" character in a sense (at least to me). He's this middling, average character who has been thrown into a situation completely

@avclub-3fb94b11a97921910b97af5a89d91127:disqus (I haven't read the books, so I'm speculating as much as anyone. Just a precursor.) All the signs point to it being Bolton's bastard, and as someone upthread pointed out, if that's the big reveal for this storyline, they've done an awful job at creating mystery, in

@AimingforYoko:disqus I wasn't sure what to make of that scene other than Shae being *really* upset with the situation and Tyrion's inability to properly convince her of his true feelings. She seems a bit vengeful, so I'm wondering if she might try and throw a wrench into things somehow?

I think that might've been *too* obvious a course of action—although Locke would certainly have deserved it. Perhaps Jaime and/or Brienne thought about it and then decided, eh, not worth the effort.

Do you feel that, because he did learn so much in this one episode/the past twelve, that this point in the "Odo as a solid" arc was an acceptable one to change him back?

I wondered that as well — just as someone downthread wondered if *Tywin* recognized Arya. Since Baelish seems to be, at least for the moment, looking out for Sansa's best interests, I'm going to venture that he *did* recognize Arya and is *not* trying to bait Sansa into coming with him by using his knowledge of Arya's

Literally *right* before he said to Sansa, "I saw your mother recently", I thought in my head, "You remind me of your mother" — the man has a one-track mind with the Stark women. I wonder if he feels the same way about Arya?

I wouldn't be surprised if Jorah is all full of doubts about what's really going on with Selmy, but I'm sure he'll appreciate the help. I mean, Dany seems to be wandering into dangerous situation after dangerous situation with only a couple guys guarding her at any time—that's *got* to be stressful.

I'm watching live this season as well—which is going to make the wait for season four even *worse*. Still exciting, though. I haven't been this invested in a TV show in a long while.