Joe Flacco

Claire, if you were not so blatantly DARKSIDED I would proudly split a box of Magic Middles with you from now until death do us part.

Orange Propel
I may or may not have cried when I realized this stuff wasn't available anymore. I remember going into a Big Lots once and seeing the 32-ounce bottles on sale for 20 cents apiece.


Considering that the final ten minutes of the interview consisted of myself and Mr. Cross exposing ourselves as total fanboys for the [then in the middle of its first season and just establishing its comic transcendence] new show Arrested Development (he talked about watching the show as much as dozens of people who

David Cross
My freshman year of college I got to interview DC for Mizzou's student newspaper.


Jason Segel sidenote: I had forgotten he was in SLC Punk! until I randomly popped in the DVD the other day and realized, holy fuck that guy with the glasses looks familiar.

I honestly thought that Marshall's super-sweet speech to the team when Lily walked in was part of her retelling of the story, a la Marshall effeminately bringing a plate of crepes to Lily and their two french daughters in DoWiSeTrePla.

Add to that douchey Ted:

"Oh, you're sitting down. Great."

There's always an inlet. Or a fjord.

Besides Billy being exponentially less of an asshole than his older brother?