
i really dont know if i can keep watching this show. It has SO many plot holes. So the judge can just get away with these things? no one says anything? i mean cmon. HORRIBLE writing. Trubel just gets sent away? WTF are you thinking? I am so glad this show is over. It seems every time the show tries to redeem itself it

Nope. Fuck that. As im previous reviews , i wish the writers resigned. You guys killed whats left of this show. 1. In the emails they never referred to each other in full names. Just n and j and m. Even then, kelly reads nicks life is in danger and comes with a baby without making sure its safe? No. Juliette

Completely agree. She pushed it. Shes a bitch. I have a few more seasons but i kind of know what happens, i wont spoil it for those still not watching but all im saying is that juliette is a plot device and had absolutely NO reason to WOGE in front of nick and force him to kiss her. He said he will try to understand

um . putting someone on the spot who just basically found out, is very psychologically traumatizing. especially if this is the person you love and told her your deepest darkest secrets. No. He wasnt in the wrong, she basically gave him a fucking ultimatum. He gave her so much time and yet she wants him to just make

FUCK THIS PIECE OF SHIT SHOW. I really am about to spoil myself if adalind dies or not. because if she doesnt, im done. F.

I know this is super late but i literally signed up for this just because im so tired of Adalinds face. Yes i said it. Shes so fucking annoying, maybe it goes against popular opinion but her acting is barely above juliette in the first season. All she does is that stupid fucking smile and plots. The show seems to have