Well I'd hesitate to call Doherty the "perfect" anything, but your point is well taken. I never even noticed until someone pointed it out to me, and now it's all I can see. Schadenfreude, perhaps?
Well I'd hesitate to call Doherty the "perfect" anything, but your point is well taken. I never even noticed until someone pointed it out to me, and now it's all I can see. Schadenfreude, perhaps?
Sloth eye
I can see Shannon Doherty as a bitch, but a popular bitch? Really? What insult could she possibly level that couldn't be deflected by the phrase "Baby Ruuuuuuth?"
Dollars to donuts that Troy Duffy's tattoo is actually of The Piano.
Debatable. Woody Allen was a father figure to Soon-Yi for many years, if not an actual stepdad. It's not incest in the sense that it compounds the possibility of genetic disorders, but it does violate family boundaries in ways that should give you the howling fantods.
I would add
Jeremy Davies (who I'm halfway convinced has Tourette's) and Don Cheadle, due entirely to his godawful "Cockney" accent in the Ocean's series.
@Built For Greed - That would make sense, but for the fact that the trap immediately prior to the Leap of Faith had him spell out IEHOVA on the floor tiles. Not really a New Testament thing.