
Pretty sure Lyanna whispers that Robert, not Rhaegar, can't find out. Because Robert will kill Rhaegar's son, and Rhaegar is dead, and the child's father.


That's funny, watching her in any role brings down my mood because she's been typecast as a fucking bitch since Deadwood.

Most popular TV show + most popular news topic = successful article, right guyz?

I would like to submit Form a-13, more colloquially known as "Petition to Remove Click from Article Counter, As Clicker Clicked Only In Order to Bitch About Said Article Being Posted and Did Not Even Read the So-Called Content of Said Article."

Can we please stop reporting on this until the damn thing is about to air? Second that for, I don't know, any project that's in development? You're just filling space in your news ticker, AV Club, and I thought you were better than that.

Dat hegemony tho…

He deserves the money just as much, if not more than, Rupert Murdoch. It's not tax payer money, it's the profits from one of the most successful merchandising entities of all time, and if he doesn't get the money someone else does.

My Name Is My Name is pretty bad, but the first Fear of God mixtape has all of the good songs that should have been on that album.

Randy Newman - The Girls In My Life (Part 1)

File under "The Academy are out of touch."

Laurence Fishburne lost his prestige status when he blew up an SUV using a samurai sword and an automatic pistol in The Matrix: Reloaded.

If you listen to his podcast from the beginning you can almost hear him shedding his prejudices from week to week. He's one of those people who was ignorant but not stupid, and now that he's being exposed to the world at large he's gaining a lot of perspective. He's one of the main examples of my "people are capable