Unexplained Bacon

Old Soul Song (For the New World Order)… a bit meta, I grant you, but when he "goes wild," that'll get you up.

Good Kill 2: Pakistani Wedding Boogaloo. But seriously, if I were married to January Jones, I'd have psychological issues too.

Michael Mann is the director for this movie - angst, rioting, darkness, fire, beach scenes, come on.

Strangely enough, it wasn't that long ago. I left the the theater the moment the "Return of the King" trailer started so it wouldn't spoil anything for me.

Strangely enough, it wasn't that long ago. I left the the theater the moment the "Return of the King" trailer started so it wouldn't spoil anything for me.

I'm hoping that was a Chameleons reference, but I guess the emphasis would be on "of."

I'm hoping that was a Chameleons reference, but I guess the emphasis would be on "of."

It puts the fairy dust on its skin…

Forget it Jake.
It's Vaginatown.

Freudian Commentary
Fingerman shares Dick's appreciation for the surreal. One book I don't need to read.

That was just Gram Parsons before the producer made the band re-record his vocals. Pick up the legacy edition of "Sweetheart of the Rodeo." But that album didn't receive the kind of airplay that CCR's hits did.

Biggles, you're a poof. That comment was like a cross between Horsefellow and Prison Wine.

Correct, sir. Winston Groom made an in-joke about selling your movie rights at the beginning of "Gump and Company."

No love for Joy Division, Tom? Not that they have any to give.

"Bob Dylan is the Dan Bern of the 1960s." - Dan Bern

Don't dissect the question too much. If we break this down too much more, we're going to have to be sure the "American Beatles" are named John, Paul, George, and Ringo (and possibly Stu).

What Makes the American Beatles
This is a complex question. Calling a band "our Beatles" means they must be both successful and influential. You can scratch the 'Mats and the Pixies under the former criteria. "Staple of college radio" does not make you the American Beatles.

I would prefer the crunchy frog film school, thank you very much.

And Glenn Beck has never denied RAPING AND MURDERING A YOUNG GIRL IN 1990.

The correct answer is eggplant.