David Sims


It's not the actress so much, since I was never really invested in the other shows George supposedly ruined (In Treatment, Alias and later Grey's, right?). It's that she's more of a weird collection of quirks and plot devices, and not really a character. I do harp on her a lot, though, which is a fair point. She's not…

Chris Noth seems to age 10 years every minute these days. The botox can't keep up with him.

Like Todd and Sonia have already said, TV Roundtable is conversational—it's an email chain, edited and formatted, but it's basically the four of us bouncing dialogue around. We didn't structure the piece to rub the commentariat any way in particular.

it's funny how in every aspect of my life people are horrified at the sheer amount of TV i've watched except for one: my job as a TV critic for The AV Club.

If you read our thoughts, I think you'd find we were full of praise for this episode.

I would say that there's a conversational tone between reviewers, which is what TV Roundtable is about. We focus on the episode, but our interplay and our reactions as a group are a big part of the article too.

Kinda baffled that everyone thinks we didn't like this show?


shut up, virgin.

The man likes to get meta, too.

Hey, it was one in the morning, and I couldn't think of the word for the guys in the bright coats who direct the planes.

Hey, it was one in the morning, and I couldn't think of the word for the guys in the bright coats who direct the planes.



Indeed. And Myles, Gilmore Girls is my turf. Back off. *brandishes switchblade*

Indeed. And Myles, Gilmore Girls is my turf. Back off. *brandishes switchblade*

I'm sorry, I should be clearer about how you should follow along with me. I intended to take it two episodes at a time, but I've found I had enough to say about the last two eps that I didn't want to cram anything in.

I'm sorry, I should be clearer about how you should follow along with me. I intended to take it two episodes at a time, but I've found I had enough to say about the last two eps that I didn't want to cram anything in.

I think this episode is particularly confusing, especially if you don't have the context for what they're talking about (like the second home issue). They dump a lot of exposition into whispered conversations, which is pretty tough to pick up on.