David Sims

I agree. I get that it's funny once or twice to have someone deliver an obvious line. But they did that over and over again.

No, Jordo is right, I forgot to include that in stray observations. That's a great little moment

She got burned by Vincent in "The Comeback"

I think she was. Once the charges are out in the open, they know what they're dealing with.

I would happily sacrifice Arlene to have her be a regular on Good Wife. Happily.

Right. At the start of her show, her function is more to note how silly Jerry, George and Kramer are, but they wear her down over the years.

I agree, Myles. And with Loki100 below. They've done a good job building up their characters, they've had a very strong run of episodes, so if they want to play around, I'd love to see them do so. Modern Family has basically run its formula into the ground, so if Happy Endings is trying to avoid that, that's

Doh, that's what I meant.

That's something that occurred to me too. They may have just been winking at us with the whole romcom format. But the show's still pretty young and unpredictable, so I'm not sure where they're taking things.

Elaine is just the star of the show at this point, I think. Her character definitely shifts from its original place in the show, but by the end, she's the most watchable of them all.

Chris Noth as Mike Logan in Law & Order is like, my original man-crush.

Good point. You didn't even notice Eli was missing (although let's have him back next time, guys).

I think the idea was that Will was ruefully saying, she'll get over it, ands silently implying that he won't. He's letting Diane think he did it, because that'll smooth things over for him, but I'm not sure how ego-centric that decision was.

Ah, I forgot about this! I don't know much about high-end law but 80% does seem like a crazy high win rate, especially considering that a lot of their "wins" would be in settlements, not after trials.

I agree. That seemed to be for dramatic effect more than anything, to the point where I was surprised when Alicia was shocked to see Grace come into the apartment. If Kalinda's being a hero, she'd obviously call the second she got Grace.

OK, props to this. That would be insane/awesome. Maybe as an 18th birthday present?

I didn't see it with the promos (I always try to avoid them after the show & basically never watch live TV otherwise outside of sporting events) but as I published the review I realized maybe the "twist" had been previously publicized. In which case, SHAME!

No, really, I do. But fucked-up humor sometimes seems out of place on a show like Seinfeld.

Poor Susan. I'd break down her door! She'd buy me some shoelaces!

Brilliant. You're absolutely right! I think I love the "public" face of George even more than his scheming private one.