David Sims

I think Mickey does say to cut them off at one point, and he refuses, saying he's breaking them in. But yeah, it's funny enough to ignore the obvious fix.

Aw, I dunno if that's fair. Maybe these last couple weeks I've been hungry for the finale, but mostly I've LOVED this season, which I think might be my second or third favorite overall (my favorite is definitely season 4, followed by either this one or 5) and loved watching it sequentially, which I hadn't done before.

I'm not uncomfortable with it (I have a high tolerance for fucked-up humor), but I'm trying to parse how uncomfortable the plot is for the show within its own…universe? Comedy spectrum? I dunno quite how to put it. Basically, how jarring or unusual it is, and how big of a deal it is for the show to be jarring or

I think this is a legitimate argument, and what I wrestled with about this episode (and hoo boy, the finale is a whole other situation). I think this is David taking the "comedic exaggerations of a regular person's less saintly impulses" idea to its logical extreme, and seeing if he can make it funny.

Confirmed — it was boots. My screwup. The actress playing Molly  complimented me on twitter for noticing her boobs, which was embarrassing. BUT I THINK THE DOUBLE ENTENDRE WAS IMPLIED.

Don't worry! That'll be the last time I go on about "wheel-spinning." I think I was just too excited to get to Susan's death.

It's probably cut from syndication; a lot of the syndication episodes are a minute or two shorter. The DVDs are the way to go!

Susan's death definitely caused a stir at the time, but it's not like it hurt the show's ratings.

I wanted to include that joke about the girl being the best cool rider since her sister, but that was an extremely long line. Great Grease 2 shoutout, though.


If the ads were good, I'd be more forgiving. The Bosley thing really got to me last year.

Heaven forbid they should shoot more 90-second commercials!

I've never been a huge fan, but last season he really started to hit those punchlines well on WU. He seems pretty rusty again now though.

Yeah, because the show runs so late, we recap it the next morning. Sorry about that. But it'll always be up by Sunday morning, we try not to take an eternity.

Ha, that didn't occur to me. Now I like that sketch more!

I essentially agree with you. At first, it seemed like he was a talent, because he did good impressions in his first few episodes. But then, even his impressions started to fall off (his Jay-Z and Lil' Wayne were particularly flat) and it was clear that whenever he was in a sketch he wasn't quite up to the task. I'm

I definitely agree that Kenan made no effort to do Cain. And he had a good speech within the sketch, too!

Repertory just means you're a cast member, 'featured' is a more junior status, usually for people who's been on the show only a year or two.

Yeah, I was sort of hoping it'd go that route too.

I agree that Baldwin's best work in the episode was in "Who's on Top." The man's timing is wonderful.