David Sims

I agree, the joke doesn't really carry itself off (which is why it's just a credits tag, I bet). Newman is enjoyably disgusting but the joke seems to be "Jerry is peeved," which isn't really enough.

Sorry! Typo! But nice firstie.

Definitely. Really nice twist on what I expected to see.

Ooh, I like that idea, even if it isn't what the writers intended.

I took to imitating the YEAH? a lot and it really gets a lot of weird stares if you do it in public. Like Arsenio, it gets me every time.


"The Chinese Restaurant" got an A+, lads, and everyone freaked out so much I'll never do it again. Also, that episode is kind of a platonic ideal.

I hate thinking that the show won't get renewed. I just can't IMAGINE it won't. The idea that CBS is so actively disinterested in quality TV and only wants to get the biggest ratings possible in every timeslot is a little disheartening. But I think it will get renewed, and if not, someone else will want it (the show

I think he has to have been on the joke, especially how he reads some of those lines ("I'm thinkin…ROCK CLIMBING.")

Haha, I forgot to mention that, but the panic in Estelle's voice is pretty wonderful.

I liked the vague suspense that came with Eli's little walk away. Was he conflicted about the nanny thing on this one? No, he was just too cool to celebrate in front of Becca. Man, I love Alan Cumming on this thing.

I meant Scrubs, not ER! HOSPITAL SHOWS

No, I don't think he's nodding cause she's hot. I never got that vibe either. He's just being polite.

Puffy Shirt is indeed Jerry Stiller's first filmed performance as Frank. They later went back and re-filmed his scenes for The Handicap Spot later for syndication. But he's kinda different in that scene; Puffy Shirt (and the silver dollars) is the first time we see Frank as we know him.

…and then i go and call him Leo Lesser. That's how much I associate him with Leo! LEN Lesser, sorry.

Guys, believe me, I am as broken up as anyone about Leo Lesser dying. I posted something on twitter (for those of you who don't follow me, i'm at www.twitter.com/davidlsims) but Sarkazein is right, I wrote & posted this review before he died.

Dude, Michael J. Fox is like, really, really rich on this show. It'd be weird if he didn't have a hot wife.

I'm sure that sexually, no one excites Kramer more than himself.

I've actually handed out a B- or two (definitely for the Miranda Cosgrove episode, which didn't entirely click for me) but this is a very easy show to grade because it's so, so consistent. Even when one plot doesn't land, each episode has five more to prop it up.