David Sims

I know what you guys mean about Eli being underused, and he has become almost a comedic crutch for the show because all the other plots are so serious. There was more room for levity in the s1 Lockhart/Gardner plots but they're so tied up in their battle with Derrick right now.

Oh man, I completely forgot to mention that, even though it was in my notes. I loved that line. I dunno if I'm fat enough, but I'd be Will's fat friend! To get drunk with!

I agree with CanOfPineapple — while it is silly that Alicia wouldn't let her probably sexually active son have the condoms, I think that's something a lot of parents would do in the circumstances anyway. Very stupid, but not unbelievable.

I wrote that one. I want Truxton Spangler to be my boss and teach me how to be a man.

He blows goats. I have proof.

I figured Will, Diane etc. would have Indiana bar status because of the neighboring state thing, but Alicia, who barely practiced law before she got married and has only been at the firm 2 years, seemed more of a gray area to me. But maybe Red Menace is right, re: this being a federal case.

I agree on Brittan, I think he's the most talented of the new performers. And Pharoah is also starting to grate for me too.

I agree. Let's DO ITTTT

RE: next week
Do you guys want a review of the Sunny xmas special? Happy to do it if the demand is there. But should I review the TV-edited version, or the unedited version? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

I've always liked Susan as a baffled observer to the central four characters' twisted universe. They never gave her a lot to do but George played off her very well.

Yes, but Fridays lasted from 80-82 and his stint on SNL was just in 84-85. Less consistent. But point taken.

He had an impressive amount of group sex euphemisms for such a short appearance.

It's true that her forehead is so big, it makes her look like some sort of alien visitor. And yet, she's still extremely hot.

Very, very true. Kanye's performance this season is the only musical guest I thought really made something of the SNL space but the artists largely are not to blame — like you say, that stage just seems to ruin them acoustically (and sap their energies).

I'm not really into Florence & The Machine myself and her perf. here was as I've found her every other time I've seen her perform live. I tend not to weigh in unless the musician did something really interesting cause I'm a pretty bad music reviewer.

chalk me up as surprised too
I abandoned this show like a lot of people after s3 and everything I read about seasons 4 and 5 confirmed for me that there was no reason to start watching again, but s6 sounds at least interesting.

I do like a lot of the vaudevillian stuff the show does (especially Kramer's larger-than-life freakouts and speechmaking) and I definitely appreciate how good of a job JLD does in the scene with Jerry. And don't get me wrong, I love Jerry's mugging. He's my favorite character, I love his flaws as much as his

It's definitely interesting to draw these comparisons and I think Alan Ball intends True Blood to be a topical show, but like a few commenters have said, I think the inherent ridiculousness of vampires (they have SUPERHUMAN POWERS and they ROUTINELY FEED ON HUMANS) negates a lot of the points he's trying to make.

I am definitely, definitely, definitely taking this advice.

Ugh, the cleaning lady. That scene (the stupid speech) is pretty offensive, especially her accent and her childish love for the cashmere. If she had other qualities it'd be ok but because it's all we get from her, it's unacceptable. I should have mentioned that in the review, definitely.